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What Is the Role of the Fullback in Rugby?

American football on field with stadium in the background during sunset.

Ever wondered why the fullback is crucial to a rugby team’s success? A rugby fullback holds the fort as the last line of defence and can turn the tide with their offensive skills. This post will dive into the multifaceted role of a fullback, revealing how they shape gameplay and what it takes to excel in this position.

Keep reading; there’s more to this dynamic role than meets the eye!

Key Takeaways

  • A rugby fullback is the team’s last line of defence, wearing the number 15 jersey; they must exhibit quick tackling and sharp counter-attack strategies.
  • They need exceptional attributes like speed, agility, strong kicking skills, excellent tackling abilities as well as good vision and game awareness to perform effectively.
  • Fullbacks are crucial in both defensive plays—where they support the backline and defend various parts of the pitch—and offensive moves—joining attacks to create overlaps and using tactical kicks for positional advantage.
  • Training for aspiring fullbacks should focus on plyometrics for explosiveness, sprint intervals for speed, strength building for power in tackles and runs, endurance workouts for sustained performance during matches, alongside skill-specific drills.
  • Legendary fullbacks such as JPR Williams and Christian Cullen have made significant contributions to rugby with their distinctive skills that revolutionised how the position is played today.

Understanding the Role of a Fullback

The fullback in rugby is a key player responsible for both defensive and offensive duties. They wear the number 15 jersey and are known for their speed, agility, kicking ability, and strong tackling skills.

What is a fullback in rugby?

A fullback in rugby stands as the team’s ultimate safeguard, poised at the rear of the defensive setup. This crucial position calls for a player with a knack for last-ditch tackling to stop opponents dead in their tracks.

They become a central figure when it comes to thwarting opposing teams’ advances, especially after breaks through the forward defense lines.

Donning jersey number 15, not 1 as typical in other sports, these players are often seen retrieving deep kicks and launching counter-attacks with precise kicking and swift runs. Their role extends beyond defence; they frequently join offensive plays, providing an extra layer of threat that can unbalance the opposition.

Quick decision-making paired with keen game awareness makes them indispensable on both ends of the field—ready to turn defence into attack in heartbeats or shore up any gaps left by teammates.

Fullbacks must keep cool heads because they’re constantly making split-second decisions that could change the course of a match.

Other names for a fullback

The fullback position in rugby is also known as the last line of defense. The player covering this role is sometimes referred to as “the custodian” due to their responsibility for safeguarding the backfield.

In some cases, they are called the “sweeper”, highlighting their duty to sweep up loose balls and provide cover at the back. This key defensive role demands a player with exceptional game awareness and anticipation skills, making them an indispensable part of any rugby team’s defensive strategy.

Moving on to explore the attributes of a world-class fullback..

What number does a fullback wear?

The fullback in rugby typically wears jersey number 15. They are fundamental to the team’s defense, providing a last line of protection and essential support in counter-attacks. A complete rugby player, the modern-day fullback must be capable of both defensive and attacking duties, making an impact on both aspects of the game.

Good decision-making skills and the ability to read the game effectively are key traits required for this position.

Average size of a fullback

In rugby, the average size of a fullback is essential for their role, combining physicality with the agility needed for both offensive and defensive duties. Let’s take a look at the typical physical attributes of a fullback:

Height180cm – 190cm
Weight85kg – 95kg
SpeedFast enough to cover large areas quickly
AgilityHighly agile to evade tackles and initiate counter-attacks
StrengthStrong enough to tackle effectively and break tackles

It is important to note that these figures are averages and real world players may differ. Successful fullbacks adapt their unique physical attributes to fulfil their role effectively. They must be adept at reading the game, making quick decisions, and possessing the confidence to execute those decisions under pressure. As the last line of defence, their presence on the field can be game-changing.

Key Attributes of a World-Class Fullback

World-class fullbacks possess speed, agility, strong kicking ability, excellent tackling skills, and good vision and game awareness. Want to learn more about these essential attributes? Keep reading to find out!

Speed and agility

A world-class fullback needs to possess exceptional speed and agility. They must be able to cover ground quickly, both in defense and in attack. Speed allows the fullback to chase down opponents, making crucial tackles or catching high balls.

Agility enables them to change direction rapidly, evading opposition players and finding gaps in the defensive line. These attributes are vital for covering large areas of the field effectively and for launching swift counter-attacks when opportunities arise.

To excel as a fullback, a player must be lightning-fast, helping them react swiftly to changes in play and cover distances without delay; they need to maneuver around the pitch with grace and precision.

Strong kicking ability

A fullback in rugby needs to have a strong kicking ability as they are responsible for clearing the ball from their own try line, relieving pressure on the team during defensive phases and gaining territory.

Additionally, their kicking skills come into play during attacking situations when they need to execute tactical kicks to set up scoring opportunities or gain field position. A world-class fullback’s strong kicking ability enables them to control the game with accurate punts, high balls, and long clears.

The strong kicking ability of a fullback provides an added dimension to the team’s overall strategy, allowing for strategic positioning and field advantage. As such, this critical skill contributes significantly to both defensive and offensive aspects of gameplay.

Excellent tackling skills

The fullback’s ability to execute outstanding tackling plays is crucial in preventing opposition players from advancing the ball. This defensive skill is paramount as the last line of defence, requiring the fullback to bring down opponents with precision and strength.

A world-class fullback must demonstrate exceptional technique and timing when making tackles, contributing significantly to the team’s defensive solidity.

With their excellent tackling skills, a fullback can swiftly neutralise attacking threats, turning potentially dangerous situations into opportunities for their team. These skills are honed through rigorous training and practice, allowing them to make critical contributions on both ends of the field.

Good vision and game awareness

Good vision and game awareness are essential traits for a fullback in rugby. They need to anticipate the movement of opposition players, make split-second decisions, and react swiftly to changing situations on the field.

As the last line of defense, their ability to read the game effectively can be the difference between preventing a try or conceding points. With good vision, they can spot gaps in the opposition defense to exploit during attacking plays, contributing significantly to their team’s offensive strategies.

Their game awareness also enables them to position themselves optimally during both defensive and offensive phases of play. This understanding of the game allows them to support teammates effectively while ensuring that they are ready to counter any potential threats from opponents.

Legends of the Fullback Position

Explore the impact of notable fullbacks in rugby history and their contributions to the game. From their skill sets to the way they revolutionised the position, these legends have left a lasting mark on the sport.

Notable fullbacks in rugby history

  1. JPR Williams – Known for his fearless tackling and counter-attacking prowess, JPR Williams was a prominent full-back for Wales and the British and Irish Lions.
  2. Christian Cullen – Regarded as one of the greatest attacking full-backs, Cullen’s speed and evasive running made him a standout player for the All Blacks.
  3. Serge Blanco – A legendary French full-back, Blanco was celebrated for his exceptional vision, daring runs, and remarkable ability under the high ball.
  4. George Nepia – A pioneering figure in rugby history, Nepia’s defensive solidity and exceptional kicking skills set him apart as an influential full-back for New Zealand.
  5. Gavin Hastings – As Scotland’s all-time leading points scorer, Hastings’ accurate goal-kicking and astute game management made him a formidable presence at full-back.
  6. Andre Joubert – A South African stalwart known for his electrifying pace and swerving runs, Joubert was a key figure in the Springboks’ success during the 1990s.
  7. Matt Burke – Representing Australia with distinction, Burke’s reliable goal-kicking and composed presence at the back solidified his reputation as an accomplished full-back.

Their impact on the game

The fullback’s impact on the game is undeniable. They are the last line of defense and play a pivotal role in thwarting opposition attacks. Their strong defensive skills, agility, and decision-making abilities make them crucial in shutting down opponents attempting to breach the defensive line.

Furthermore, their prowess in counter-attacks adds depth to the team’s offensive strategies, making them versatile assets on both ends of the field.

Their ability to read the game effectively allows them to position themselves strategically and make timely tackles or interceptions. The modern-day full-back is expected not only to excel defensively but also contribute significantly in initiating attacking moves and supporting the backline with well-calculated runs and kicks.

The Defensive Role of a Fullback

The defensive role of a fullback involves supporting the back three defence, defending different sections of the pitch and adapting to various attacking strategies. This requires strong communication and decision-making skills as well as the ability to read and react quickly to the opposition’s movements.

Back three defence

  1. Placing the full – back in a central position at the back, allowing them to cover kicks and provide support for wingers.
  2. Utilising the two wingers on each side of the pitch to defend against opposition attacks from both wings, ensuring comprehensive coverage.
  3. Allowing for quick shifts in positioning as needed, enabling effective defensive responses to various attacking strategies.
  4. Providing a solid defensive foundation by distributing players strategically across the backfield, preventing gaps for opposition attackers to exploit.

Defending sections of the pitch

Defending sections of the pitch is a crucial aspect of the fullback’s role in rugby. The fullback must cover various areas of the field, including deep behind the defensive line and on either wing.

Their speed and agility are essential for closing down attacking players and preventing scoring opportunities, especially when defending against kicks or wide attacking plays.

When an opposition player breaks through the defensive line, it falls on the fullback to make crucial tackles or intercept passes to prevent potential tries. Additionally, their positioning and ability to read the game effectively allow them to anticipate where the next threat may come from, providing valuable support in defending different sections of the pitch.

Attacking against different defensive strategies

Fullbacks play a key role in attacking against different defensive strategies. When opponents use a rush defence, the fullback’s quick decision-making and passing skills are crucial to exploit gaps or create overlaps.

When facing a drift defence, the fullback’s vision is essential to identify space for counter-attacks or support runs from deeper positions. In addition, when teams employ blitz defences, the fullback’s ability to read the game and find opportunities for long kicks downfield can be pivotal in turning defence into attack.

The adaptability of the modern-day full-back is essential when countering various defensive strategies. Their capacity to switch seamlessly between defensive duties and supporting attacks makes them an asset in disrupting opposition tactics at any point during a game.

The Offensive Role of a Fullback

Supporting the backline, executing attack tactics and techniques, and maintaining a disciplined exercise routine are essential for aspiring fullbacks. Discover more about the offensive role of a fullback by reading on.

Supporting the backline

The fullback supports the backline by providing an extra passing option and creating overlaps.

  • They position themselves to receive passes from the fly – half and distribute the ball quickly down the line.
  • By joining the backline, they add an additional attacking threat that can confuse and overwhelm the opposition defense.
  • The fullback’s positioning also allows them to provide cover in case of a turnover or counter – attack by the opposing team.
  • Their ability to read the game effectively helps in making split – second decisions when supporting the backline.
  • This role requires speed, agility, and quick decision – making skills to exploit any gaps in the opposition’s defensive line.

Attack tactics and techniques

  1. Utilising speed and agility to join attacking plays and provide overlaps or supporting runs.
  2. Exploiting gaps in the opposition’s defensive line to create scoring opportunities for their team.
  3. Showing strong decision – making capabilities when choosing between passing to teammates or taking on defenders.
  4. Using excellent kicking skills to provide accurate and strategic kicks into space for wingers to chase or to gain territorial advantage.
  5. Employing good vision and game awareness to anticipate opposition movements and position themselves effectively during attacking phases.
  6. Demonstrating creativity in running lines and evasive moves to evade defenders while carrying the ball forward.

Exercise routine for aspiring fullbacks

To excel at the fullback position in rugby, aspiring players should focus on developing strength, speed, agility, and endurance. Here is a comprehensive exercise routine to hone the skills necessary for success:

  1. Plyometric Drills: Perform box jumps, lateral bounds, and depth jumps to improve explosive power and agility on the field.
  2. Speed Training: Incorporate sprint intervals, shuttle runs, and resistance sprints to enhance acceleration and top-end speed.
  3. Strength Building: Include squats, deadlifts, lunges, and core exercises to build lower body strength crucial for tackling and running abilities.
  4. Endurance Workouts: Engage in high-intensity interval training (HIIT) sessions as well as long-distance running to improve cardiovascular fitness for sustained performance throughout the match.
  5. Skill-Specific Training: Dedicate time to practicing kicking accuracy, catching under pressure, and decision-making drills in game-like scenarios.


In conclusion, the fullback in rugby plays a crucial role in both defense and offense. With responsibilities ranging from solid tackling to counter-attacking, they are considered key members of the team.

Modern fullbacks need diverse skills such as strong kicking ability and game awareness to excel in their position. Their impact on the game is significant, making them an essential position in the field.

Rugby fans appreciate that a world-class fullback can help lead their team to victory with their versatile abilities.


1. What does a rugby fullback do?

In rugby, the fullback plays a key role by defending the team’s back line and launching counter-attacks during offensive plays.

2. How important is the fullback in defensive play?

The rugby league fullback has crucial defensive responsibilities such as guarding against breaks from the opposing team and catching high kicks during matches.

3. Can a rugby fullback join in on attacks?

Yes, a skilled rugby fullback often joins in attacking moves using their speed and tactics to break through defenses and support forwards.

4. What skills should a good rugby fullback have?

A competent rugby fullback must possess quick reflexes, solid tackling techniques, excellent positional sense, and be able to make strategic decisions quickly.

5. Are there specific strategies that a rugby fullback employs?

Rugby fullbacks use strategies like positioning themselves correctly for both attack and defense, communicating with teammates effectively, and choosing when to join running lines or kick strategically.

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